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Author Imageu/PokeUpdateBot
há 6 dias
[Weekly Questions Thread] 25 September 2023
Questions thread - Active
**Have any questions about Pokémon that you'd like answered?**

##If they're about the value of a piece of merchandise you own or found, please ask them in the **new** [Weekly Value Questions](https://rpkmn.center/weekly/value) thread!

If you're asking or answering questions about the new games or recent anime episodes which contain spoilers, please be sure to include spoiler tags around them using the format:

`>!Spoiler goes here.!<`

Text wrapped in `>!` and `!<` is hidden until the reader clicks or taps it. For example, the line above would become the following:

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Author Imageu/PokeUpdateBot
há cerca de 8 horas
[Hype Thread] 01 October 2023
Welcome to the HYPE THREAD, a place to share your excitement about in-game achievements, brag about success, and get hyped for upcoming events. CAPS LOCK IS OPTIONAL IF IT HELPS YOU GET YOUR HYPE ON!

This is a chance to post about your successes. Our rules against self-promotion and most low-quality content, including shiny Pokemon pics, are relaxed in these threads--please talk all you like about your luck and accomplishments!

This thread is meant to be pretty positive, so please think twice before downvoting someone! Rude and negative comments will be removed -- please report them if you s...
Author Imageu/theKayaKaya
há cerca de 9 horas
What pokemon would be a threat to the world?
Was having a little debate with someone on Facebook. Talking about pokémon who aren't legendaries that could be used to take over the world or general warfare.

They said any type of psychic Pokemon. I say any Pokemon with Perish song and who can change the weather would pose more of a threat.

Your thoughts or scenarios?
Author Imageu/ThePG24
há cerca de 3 horas
I'll never understand the resentment towards Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Discussion / Venting
I feel like the only reason people are crapping on USUM so much is because they're being portrayed as sequels to Sun and Moon as oppose to enhanced versions. Plus games like Emerald and Platinum are loved by the community, and I really enjoy the Mantine Surf and Ultra Warp Ride! So, what are wrong with USUM!?

(also Episode RR is really cool)
Author Imageu/reverie11
há cerca de 11 horas
Game Freak needs to make a Pokémon farm simulating game.
Something along the lines of Harvest Moon/Story of Season or Stardew Valley but with Pokemon. We’ve had Pokemon pinball, puzzles, card games, ranger, mystery dungeon, detective Pikachu, etc. A farm simulator is far over due and has endless opportunities.

On your farm, you can have Miltank, Lechon, Mareep, Wooloo, Gogoat, Ducklett, etc. They would produce things like milk or wool that can be sold or made into things like cloth. You’d raise crops with the help of your trusty Bulbasaur. The berry growing mechanic in Gen 6 was the closest we’ve gotten and I loved it.
Author Imageu/R4PIDA55AULT
há cerca de 19 horas
PLA just shows how insignificant humans are in the main series.
So playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus again made me realise how much I like having the player being more than just a vehicle for the Pokémon they carry, how they are just as in danger as their own Pokémon.

It really shows that humans are just as important to Pokémon as Pokémon are.

Rei and Akari get their hands dirty climbing, jumping, dodge rolling and throwing things, while all the other protags are like, "Hey, Pokémon you do all my dirty work and I'll throw the ball when it's time".

I want more protagonist interaction and danger in the series. It'll really show the partnership between human...
Author Imageu/RegularTemporary2707
há cerca de 15 horas
The rival inferiority complex is getting overused
Discussion / Venting
Idk if people find it weird but im kind of getting tired of the protag being a “mary sue” and just stomp over our “rivals” for the past few gens, so much so that theyre breaking down because of their inferiority complex. i mean it happened 3 times in a row now with hau, hop, and >!kieran!< . Well of course we as the protagonist needs to keep winning to even progress trough the story but why does it has to entail our friends being frustrated of themselves because they cant beat you ever ? Its just kinda annoying now, i was glad that nemona never was such a downer when we beat her but the...
Author Imageu/JAMSDreaming
há cerca de 11 horas
I don't really get the hatred for using Legendaries
Discussion / Venting
I get that people who wish a challenge might not be happy with using Legendaries during the main story, but in competitive there are so many counters and strategies to deal with raw power that having a full Legendary team is not an assured victory in the slightest, and it's kind of a liability because baby's first truly Competitive Team is designed to *deal* with Legendaries.

I'm saying this because I get very criticized for using legendaries during my playthrough and matches with my friends... although I'm actually the worst Pokémon player of my friend group and they all win against my legen...
Author Imageu/AegisIash
há cerca de 22 horas
From a first time Sun/Moon player: this is a brilliant game ruined by the cutscenes.
Discussion / Venting
I’ve been playing through every game for the first time. I started my journey December 2020, I played the first three gens on gameboy, and bought a 3DS for gens 4, 5, 6 and 7. I plan on doing a full ranking when I’m done.

I just finished Sun and I thought the game was brilliant, except for all of the cutscenes. They threw me off track far too often, and despite all the interesting new and variant Pokémon to use I found myself putting the gameboy down for sometimes weeks at a time because I just couldn’t get immersed when I was constantly mashing buttons waiting for the horrible dialogue to e...
Author Imageu/bruinjohn
há cerca de 19 horas
What do you think a Gen V remake would be called?
We’ve had Fire / Leaf, Heart / Soul, Alpha / Omega, and Brilliant / Shining. What do you think a Gen V remake would be called? Since Zekrom is the “Deep Black” Pokémon and Reshiram is the “Vast White” Pokemon, I think they’d call them Deep Black/Vast White. DBVW? What would you want them to be called?
Author Imageu/gamebooth
há cerca de 12 horas
If you could make one small change to the games, what would it be?
I’m not talking major graphical overhauls or new types or anything big like that. I mean something mostly minor that only some people would care about. Cosmetic stuff etc.
My vote goes for some sort of ball-swapping mechanic. Or the ability to customise balls properly. Accidentally caught my Munkidori in a Nest instead of Net ball (tapped right one too many times and hit A before I realised) & would much rather be able to swap the ball than have to restart the battle.. obviously it destroys the original ball so you can’t just Master Ball, swap to something else and then Master Ball anothe...
Author Imageu/ThatOneKrazyKaptain
há cerca de 22 horas
Why did ORAS swap the orbs around?
Replaying Emerald and noticed this.

In the original games, Archie takes the Red Orb and Maxie takes the Blue Orb. But in ORAS, Maxie takes the Red Orb and Archie takes the Blue Orb. This change also occurred in the anime. In the Advanced Era arc the Blue Orb was Groudons and the Red Orb was Kyogres, but in Gen 6 they chanegd it.
Author Imageu/Bonado_UwU
há cerca de 5 horas
Is Let's Go a good bridge between Pokemon Go and main series?
I have a friend that loves Pokemon, they play a lot of Pokemon Go but have never touched a main series game, they've briefly tried White and Sun in the past but made very little progress before getting overwhelmed and giving up.

They aren't a gamer but enjoy Pokemon and would like to be able to interact with the francise more.

Would playing 2 player Pokemon Let's Go be a good bridge to that gap?
Author Imageu/DweebInFlames
há cerca de 13 horas
I feel like Hoenn is the best region for an open-world game done well
Discussion / Venting
No Hoennbabby bias, I swear.

It has a unified sort of atmosphere while still having diversity in environments and locations. You won't see a snowy mountain right next to a desert right next to a jungle like you're playing a pre-1.13 Minecraft version, but you have forests, mountains, a small desert, plenty of coastal and oceanic areas, a volcano... and it all feels natural.

Gameplay wise, it's divided up with natural roadblocks. One of the things I've seen people criticise S/V for and seeing it secondhand myself is the fact that a lot of the early game locations and Pokémon are just sort of...
Author Imageu/tangdi_kabab
há cerca de 16 horas
As a kid I didn’t know there was a post game
Discussion / Venting
To preface it, I played most of the early games on an emulator. So when the credit scenes rolled out after the champion win I would just turn it off. I just figured it was like the movies where they rolled the credits to show off everyone who worked on the game.

I felt so bummed in Red that they teased Mew/Mewtwo the entire game but we didn’t get to see (especially when both were such huge parts of the anime)

Johto sucked the most for me cause it was the shortest easiest game with the least amount of Pokémon.

Could not believe that in Emerald the most we got to see of big bad Groudon/Kyo...
Author Imageu/Stratford-on-Jersey
há cerca de 4 horas
Looking for a good summary of the games, and the lore
Pokémon has a special place in my heart. Always will. Unfortunately, the last official Pokémon game I played was one of the Gen 2 games. I quit the game and didn't finish. I just got tired of all the random battles, and all the repetition.

Yes, I know, I'm a heretic.

But the story world still means a lot to me. And I'm looking for something that will fill me in on everything I've missed over the years. Something to make me not feel so behind the times. There are so many Pokémon that don't conjure any images in my head, and names of teams and places that mean nothing to me. Team Magma is an e...
Author Imageu/JayQuips
há 1 dia
Does every Pokémon have an official name pronunciation?
Because I’ve been wondering how the names Rayquaza, Kyogre, Arceus, and Suicune are pronounced and googling it doesn’t seem to give a definite answer. I’ve always pronounced them as Ray-Kwah-Zah, Kai-Oh-Grr, Are-Key-Us, and Sue-Wee-Koon. Are any of these correct? I’m sure there are other Pokémon as well that are pronounced differently depending on who you ask.
Author Imageu/Commercial_Ad812
há cerca de 2 horas
transfer pokémons from diamond to ultra moon
hi guys! i purchased the ultra moon version when it came out but I never really got around to play it - now that I've started I realized that I still have a lot of cool pokémons I wish to transfer from my diamond copy into ultra moon.

now I know I need a second ds and pokémon white/black to transfer it, but is there another way to bypass this? like a software perhaps to transfer my pokémons via a pc? I'd love to get my Jirachi from 15 years ago into Ultra Moon haha.
Author Imageu/The-Reddit-Monster
há cerca de 15 horas
To people who hate using Legendaries, do you use Paradox Pokemon?
To the people who hate using Legendary Pokemon, do you use Paradox Pokemon? More precisely speaking, do you consider them as Legendary, too?

For example, there are individuals who don't like using Lugia or Raikou in their teams, despite the latter not being particularly powerful. Perhaps there's been a generalization that Legendary Pokemon are too powerful or are considered "cheating". But what about Flutter Mane and Iron Bundle? Are they also considered Legendary and "unfair" to you? Or are they "fair game"?

How 'bout Ultra Beasts? Are they also considered Legendary, and therefore, "unfair"...
Snom is a small, larval Pokémon. Most of its round white body is covered by a translucent shell of icy spikes. Its exposed head features two black eyes and round mouthparts. Four short legs are located underneath its body.
Snom anchors itself to branches with frigid thread it extrudes from its mouth to disguise itself as an icicle while sleeping. Snom consumes snow that has piled up on the ground, and prefers soft, fresh snow; it will climb its way up a mountain eating through its snow. Snom's internal organs amplify the cold air from the snow it consumes, which it uses to create the spikes ...
Author Imageu/Minor_Devil
há cerca de 7 horas
What if alongside with Fossil mons, we also have some kind of new futuristic-esque mons to use?
Just a thought I had recently but what there was another new kind of Pokémon to encounter in a similar vein to the Fossil Pokémon? That is by getting Pokémon through a certain but consistent method like resurrecting its respective fossil?

One idea that I have in regards to this could be some type of futuristic computer-based Pokémon that you could bring to life by somehow converting it from its Hard Drive into a physical form. Their main types could be either Steel-type or Electric-type. I'm leaning more towards the former as I feel it would be a bit more natural but having Electric-type be t...
Author Imageu/PlayingInFire
há cerca de 6 horas
Curry or sandwich making?
After finishing scarlet and the DLC, I went back to replay shield (I'm missing Glastrier, so replaying to complete my Pokédex) and I started making curries to heal while in the wild area and compared to the sandwich making in S/V, I enjoy it much more in terms of controls.

When I was EV training and making sandwiches, my table would disappear and it would ruin the stacking of my sandwich. Also, if I were to make a sandwich that had more than 2 components, things would slide off and completely change the sandwich and perks. I wish the controls were easier/smoother.

Which method do you guys p...
Author Imageu/ceratopsycho
há cerca de 5 horas
Question about samurott
So today I looked at samurott and thought. Is its helmet part of his body? On one hand that wouldn't make sense because oshawott and Dewott's shell are not part of their body and his helmet is basically an upgrade of their shell. On the other hand there are no seashells big enough to fit samurott's head .and even if there was, no seashell has a spike like a sword. At first I thought it was some sort of quill like a porcupine but being a water type that wouldn't make much sense. I also thought samurott could have crafted the helmet himself, but this wouldn't work for two reasons.one is that the...
Author Imageu/MagicBez
há cerca de 9 horas
Just repaired my old Gameboy, I have a DS, 3DS and Switch. Is there any way at all I'd be able to shift some Pokémon all the way up to a current gen game?
Am I being wildly optimistic here? Would it rely on now defunct online services? Do I need a GBA to achieve the Gameboy to DS move? I've not played any Pokémon games since Sun/Moon so am pretty out of the loop as to whether this would even be worthwhile or if the new games have all Pokémon readily available anyway.
Do people do "pure-type" runs?
I know the most common challenge run for Pokemon is a nuzlocke. While I find them fun to watch, I personally am not found of doing them. What I have enjoyed is doing mono-type runs. I have done a ghost run in Moon, a water run in Colosseum where I only had 5 Pokemon because I didn't want to use Suicune, a incomplete Dark run of XD because of a level jump between the last few admin fights in the game, and a rock run of renegade Platinum.

However, there's one run I've done that was different, what I would call a "pure-type" run. My only playthrough of Sword I used a team of only ice type Pokemo...
Author Imageu/Vulkanized
há 1 dia
Scalpers ruined Pokemon x Van Gogh
Discussion / Venting
So I went to the Van Gogh museum yesterday to get the Promo card and some merch, but scalpers just made the whole experience worse.

First thing you’ll notice when entering the museum is people trying to buy your entry ticket for 50€ (about double the original price), which happened to me twice.

Luckily once you’re inside you don’t have to worry about anything anymore and it is really nice to see all the Pokémon fans walking around and actually doing the “scavenger hunt”. Everyone is really nice and someone even approached me to help him with a question.
I got to say, even if they are out of...
Author Imageu/cavalinolido
há cerca de 2 horas
Pokémon lore for my DnD campaign
Hey gals and guys and everybody in between and outside!
I am hosting a Pokémon DnD campaign for my friends in the upcoming month and I am searching for extended lore about the world and the pokémon that live within. So I would be very thankful for every bit the community can get me to make it as colourful as I can.
The campaign itself only includes the the first 7 generations of pokémon, attacks, items and abilities and starts in Kanto in Veridian City.

So what are your favourite fun or weird facts about Pokémon and the world they live in?
Pokémon: Gotta Catch’Em All!r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it!
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